Everyone knows what a regular dental cleaning is, and most people understand the importance of getting that cleaning biannually. Yet many people may be unaware of deep cleanings and their purpose. This blog discusses how deep cleaning differs from regular cleaning appointments and the purpose each cleaning serves.
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Maintaining Oral Hygiene
Most of us want to be in good general health and live our everyday lives without having to worry about health issues or underlying conditions. Yet when people think about whole body health, many forget about oral health and how big of an impact it can have. Without maintaining good oral hygiene, bacteria can build up in the mouth and make you more susceptible to health conditions such as glaucoma, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Additionally, poor oral hygiene can lead to gum disease, which, if left untreated, can cause tooth loss.
Maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential to avoiding gum disease and other health issues. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once daily are crucial aspects of oral health. Additionally, attending biannual dental cleanings at the dentist is important so your teeth can be examined by a professional and plaque build-up and tartar can be safely removed.
Different types of cleanings can be performed at your dentist’s office. The biannual cleanings are also known as routine dental cleanings. However, deep cleaning, often referred to as scaling and root planning, is a procedure for treating early forms of gum disease.
What Is a Routine Dental Cleaning?
When you go to your dentist twice a year, you receive a routine dental cleaning. A professional dental cleaning thoroughly cleans the teeth and breaks down plaque in difficult-to-reach places. Getting your teeth professionally cleaned every six months protects your teeth and gums from developing diseases and can aesthetically improve their appearance. These cleanings also provide an opportunity for your dentist to examine your gums and determine if they are in good health or if they require specific treatment.
What Is a Deep Dental Cleaning?
A deep dental cleaning is a treatment option for patients with periodontal disease. It is most effective for mild cases of periodontal disease when it is caught in its early stages. Deep dental cleanings are similar to regular dental cleanings, except they remove plaque and tarter that has formed below the gumline that cannot be cleaned with a toothbrush alone at home.
Also called scaling and root planning, a deep dental cleaning is a minor procedure that restores healthy gums. Once plaque and tartar form beneath the gumline, pockets form, allowing bacteria to build up. This causes the gums and tooth roots to become infected, which can eventually lead to tooth loss. During a deep cleaning, plaque and tartar are removed, allowing for the tooth roots to be scraped and smoothed to promote the gums reattaching to the roots.
Want to Know More About Dental and Deep Cleanings in San Diego, CA?
Take charge of your oral health by maintaining good oral hygiene and routinely getting your biannual cleanings. To learn more about routine dental cleanings and deep cleanings, call La Jolla Cosmetic Dentistry & Orthodontics at (858) 295-0603 or fill out our online contact form today.