General Dentistry
Your biannual dental appointment is a time for you to receive a routine examination and teeth cleaning. At La Jolla Cosmetic Dentistry & Orthodontics in La Jolla, San Deigo, Dr. Kohani provides thorough dental examinations during every scheduled appointment and initial consultation.
An examination considers the health of your entire dentition as it relates to your wellbeing and involves the removal of plaque, tartar and decay that could cause more significant damage to your teeth and body in the future. Without visiting the dentist regularly, many of the preventable issues that impact your teeth, like periodontal disease, can affect your body, leading to serious health concerns like heart disease and diabetes.
General dentistry does more than clean your teeth, it screens for potential issues and finds the best way to prevent their progression. The goal is to maintain your dental health so that you experience wellness throughout your body for a lifetime. Your examination is a way for Dr. Kohani to locate areas of concern and provide preventative care first and foremost.