Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings in San Diego

When plaque and tartar are left on the teeth, it causes a buildup of bacteria. This bacteria penetrates the enamel and deeper layers of the tooth, causing cavities. Fillings are used to remove the bacteria and cavity and fill the hole to protect that area.

Cavities are easily treated, with fillings taking no more than 30 minutes to complete. If Dr. Kohani finds a cavity during a routine cleaning and evaluation, he will assess its severity and determine the best way to treat it.

Why Are the Benefits of Fillings?

Cavities are generally small holes that are sometimes noticeable on the surface of the tooth. Although you may experience some symptoms, like tooth sensitivity and pain, many cavities are asymptomatic. During your annual checkup, Dr. Kohani can assess your dental health and check for any cavities that may be present.

Just because a cavity is tiny and relatively easy to address does not mean that it should remain untreated. If left to progress, cavities can expand, causing the following:

  • The cavity can grow, requiring a ceramic crown instead of a filling to protect the tooth
  • The cavity can reach the nerve of the tooth, requiring a root canal
  • The cavity can grow and cause the loss of a tooth

The treatments available to stabilize and prevent dental disease can be expensive. Catching cavities early will keep your teeth, gums, and body healthy without needing extensive treatment.

Am I a Candidate for Dental Fillings?

During your exam, Dr. Kohani will assess your dental health and check for any cavities that may be present. Good candidates for dental fillings are individuals with small cavities (dental caries) that do not require more extensive treatment, such as ceramic crowns or root canal therapy.

Dental fillings are appropriate for anyone with cavities, regardless of their age.

How Does Dr. Kohani Fill Cavities?

If you have a cavity, it’s important for Dr. Kohani to treat it before moving on to other procedures that you desire. Cosmetic and orthodontic treatments will not be possible without addressing all underlying conditions first.

Filling Your Cavity

With a dental cleaning and examination, Dr. Kohani can identify cavities needing treatment. Some teeth may show the beginning signs of a dental cavity but may not require treatment right away.

If you do need a filling, Dr. Kohani will prepare your tooth for the procedure. He will start by numbing the surrounding area and injecting a local anesthetic into the gums. Next, Dr. Kohani will remove the decay and place the bonding agent and composite material into the hole. He will then harden the composite material using a curing light to ensure your filling remains fixed in place.

Due to the anesthetic, you should feel no pain during or after your procedure. You might feel some soreness and sensitivity after the anesthesia wears off; however, any discomfort will only last a few hours.

Dr. Kohani finds that composite dental fillings are most suitable for all his patients. There are many benefits to composite dental fillings, one of which is its ability to match the color of your existing teeth. Composite, or tooth-colored fillings, are usually made from acrylic and glass in a liquid or malleable solid form and shaded to blend seamlessly with your dentition. As a result, your filling is hardly discernible.

Most patients want to maintain the natural appearance of their smile as much as possible or enhance it to look brighter or straighter. A tooth-colored filling makes it possible for you to improve your oral health without compromising your appearance.

Whereas silver fillings are somewhat conspicuous in the mouth, composite fillings are virtually invisible. The material also contains no mercury, which is often perceived as a safer treatment option.

Preparing for Dental Fillings

You can prepare for dental fillings by eating a large breakfast, as you may not be able to eat immediately following your dental fillings. It is also important to brush and floss your teeth thoroughly before your treatment.

If you think you have a cavity that requires a filling, contact La Jolla Cosmetic Dentistry & Orthodontics at 858-295-0603 and schedule a consultation with Dr. Kohani.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Fillings

Most dental fillings require a numbing agent that prevents the patient from feeling pain. Some dental fillings may not require a numbing agent if the filling is placed in an area where the nerve is not in contact.

The numbing agents often used in general dentistry are topicals or injections that allow you to remain awake, calm, and responsive to the dentist’s instructions. After completing your dental filling, the area should feel smooth and natural. Dental fillings should not disrupt your bite.

Complications are unlikely to develop after a patient has dental fillings. Some dental filling materials contain metal elements that could be absorbed into the body through the mouth. These elements, such as mercury, zinc, and silver, are proven to be harmful to the body. Luckily, Dr. Kohani only performs dental fillings with a safe, FDA-approved composite material. According to the FDA, composite fillings are the most common alternative to metal dental fillings.

After dental fillings, patients can drive home. A numbing agent is the only pain mitigation required for dental fillings.

Proper oral hygiene and oral maintenance are key to preventing the formation of cavities. This means proper brushing and flossing habits at home and routine dental checkups and cleanings. Regular dental cleanings help by removing plaque buildup and oral bacteria that cause decay.

Dental Filling Procedures in San Diego, CA

According to the CDC, almost one-third of adults between the ages of 20 and 44 have untreated dental cavities that would likely require fillings if examined. Other studies suggest that the average American has had at least three dental fillings in their lifetime.

Cavities are common and should not cause concern as long as they are treated early.

Entrusting Dr. Kohani to treat cavities early on is crucial to your oral care. Call La Jolla Cosmetic Dentistry & Orthodontics at (858) 295-0603 to get started on stronger, healthier teeth.

Dr. Kohani is an experienced dentist specializing in orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry. La Jolla Cosmetic Dentistry & Orthodontics can treat a number of different general dentistry concerns, including:

We also provide a wide range of cosmetic dentistry treatments and offer sedation dentistry for your comfort and well-being.

You are likely wondering if dental fillings are covered by insurance. Everyone’s dental plan is unique. For an accurate breakdown of your dental coverage, you should discuss your benefit plan with your insurance provider before treatment to determine if (or to what extent) you are covered for dental fillings.